Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Terrible session, going backwards

Just when I thought we were really moving on.... I had a terrible session with Lucie yesterday morning; it ended okay because afterwards we went out for a walk & she was relatively relaxed; but first I went in the field & turned the camera on. I wasn't expecting what happened but you can see the other side of my sweet pretty horse: tense, resisting, arguing, the complete opposite of how she had been recently. It felt worse even than it looks; she was actually biting me; the head shaking she does when she is unhappy. It got worse before getting slightly better, but the memory ran out on the camera. I tried to keep energy medium & stay calm but firm; no way was I going to give her a chance to explode but I felt the tension & the challenge.
There's some video here:
Sorry about rubbish quality and a dirty horse.

She was compliant but defiant; as if she is unconfident but dominant at the same time.

I feel slightly shaken, I thought we were doing so well. I want to say that this comes out of nowhere but I have had this from her before. This time I think it comes from several days ago when I stopped her from eating grass, I had the camera out & I wanted to film us. Maybe I was a bit strong in my correction. We then just did some walks & turns & I thought I had slowed it right down, was firm but fair, but obviously she didn't see it that way. She just doesn't accept criticism or correction if she wants to do something else, like eat grass; and like many horses, that's a reflex if they feel you are going to ask them to do something they are not sure they want to do. If you don't ask her for anything she is sweet & nice - but then she gets bored.

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